First they will ask you why you do it, then they will as you how you do it.

Friday, 9 August 2013

The British Condition

Great Britain.

Home of the Queen.
 Fish and Chips, cup o' tea and Mary Poppins.

Once great Empire and land of hope & glory!

I love being British, we have so many traditions to be proud of and which have influenced the world, but at other times it seems like we are way behind.

Turn up at a race in the UK and you'll see what I mean. With the UK running scene bigger than ever and Ultramarathons making a massive impact in recent years, more and more people are turning to running. Following on from the great summer of sport last year and the London Olympics, fitness and sports participation are higher than ever. But herein lies the problem. While some start lines look like a carnival, most UK races look like we are dressed for a funeral!

As a conservative nation with lots of tradition, 90 of the people there will be dressed the same.
The start line at my last race.
Apart from club runners in garish vests, you'll see a sea of lycra-clad people, dressed in swathes of black, with the occasional flash of colour, usually hi-vis yellow. Because it's safe when it rains, and it rains. A lot!

You'll get your occasional eccentric, guys wearing TuTu's (you know who you are) as they twirl around the course, people in race shirts etc. But tradition dictates how we dress when we train and when we race and we generally stick to it.

So a couple of years ago when I discovered Ink'n'Burn, I saw an alternative. Running gear that reflects how we feel when we run.

We talk about the freedom it brings and the happiness it gives, but this isn't often reflected on the outside.

The range of kit they offer is extensive and I'd recommend you take a look, but today I'll talk you through my favourite bit of kit.

The tech-shirt is nothing new, I'n'B didn't invent it or even change what it does.

What they did is make a high quality garment, for runners or people who train and want to distance themself from the crowd.

I could go on about the performance fabric used in their tech shirt, how it is super lightweight, breathable, moisture wicking and feels like a soft cotton tee.

But they're not the only reasons I love this shirt. Just look at it.

Ink'n'Burn Black Kevlar Skull Tech shirt
I get no rubbing when I wear it. Ink'n'Burn even got rid of the label in the neck so nothing chafes, and the designs are dyed into the fabric, not just painted on after. I've owned my oldest InB tech-shirt for 18 months and it looks as good now as it did when I got it. No fading, no design coming off in the wash.

I run and train in the gym in their kit, and I know it sounds stupid but it's the little things that make a difference. The shirt doesn't rise when I do shoulder presses. Think that's not important? Trust me, you need to be in great shape to get away with having your stomach out in the gym. This shirt saves you the embarrassment.

For me running gives a sense of rebellion. I have a job where I have to conform, I'm a father, so I have time and financial commitments, but when I run I'm free to tear up the trails, to dodge traffic, get up insanely early or enter crazy races.

The reason I love this shirt?
 It looks how I feel.

Ink'n'Burn is a US company which provides high quality individual sports apparel made in the US. It ships to the UK in less than a week at very reasonable rates and if you're reading this you can use the code "dantoldme" at the checkout to receive a great discount.


Distance yourself from the crowds.


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